As of 2016, still working at Goog. Our team generates 3D data you can see here (this is where we happen to sit at the moment; hint: ctrl-drag to rotate).
As of September 2009, I have been working at Google, on Google Earth. As of June 2010, I
will have graduated from Princeton.
I was a graduate student at Princeton, in the Computer Science department, and in the graphics group from September 2004 until September 2009. My advisor was Thomas Funkhouser. I have worked on analysis of 3D shapes, namely object recognition, segmentation, symmetry detection/visualization, face modeling, finding binding sites in proteins, and using symmetry for geometry processing applications.
My CV can be found here.
Self-Similar Texture for Coherent Line Stylization
Pierre Bénard, Forrester Cole, Aleksey Golovinskiy, and Adam Finkelstein
NPAR 2010: Symposium on Non-photorealistic Animation and Rendering, June 2010
Analysis of Global Properties of Shapes
Aleksey Golovinskiy
PhD Thesis, June 2010, Princeton University
Min-Cut Based Segmentation of Point Clouds
Aleksey Golovinskiy and Thomas Funkhouser
IEEE Workshop on Search in 3D and Video (S3DV) at ICCV, September 2009, Kyoto
Shape-based Recognition of 3D Point Clouds in Urban Environments
Aleksey Golovinskiy, Vladimir G. Kim, Thomas Funkhouser
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), September 2009, Kyoto
Symmetry-Aware Mesh Processing
Aleksey Golovinskiy, Joshua Podolak, Thomas Funkhouser
Mathematics of Surfaces 2009 (invited paper), LNCS 5654, September 2009
A Benchmark for 3D Mesh Segmentation
X. Chen, A. Golovinskiy, and T. Funkhouser
SIGGRAPH 2009, New Orleans, LA
Consistent Segmentation of 3D Models
A. Golovinskiy and T. Funkhouser
Computers and Graphics (Shape Modeling International 2009), Beijing
Randomized Cuts for 3D Mesh Analysis
A. Golovinskiy and T. Funkhouser
SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008, Singapore
Where Do People Draw Lines?
F. Cole, A. Golovinskiy, A. Limpaecher, H. Barros, A. Finkelstein, T. Funkhouser, and S. Rusinkiewicz
SIGGRAPH 2008, Los Angeles, CA
Symmetry-Enhanced Remeshing of Surfaces
J. Podolak, A. Golovinskiy, S. Rusinkiewicz
Symposium on Geometry Processing, July 2007
Symmetry-Aware Mesh Processing
A. Golovinskiy, J. Podolak, T. Funkhouser
Technical Report TR-782-07, Princeton University
A Planar-Reflective Symmetry Transform for 3D Shapes
J. Podolak, P. Shilane, A. Golovinskiy, S. Rusinkiewicz, and T. Funkhouser
SIGGRAPH 2006, Boston MA
A Statistical Model for Synthesis of Detailed Facial Geometry
A. Golovinskiy, W. Matusik, H. Pfister, S. Rusinkiewicz, and T. Funkhouser
SIGGRAPH 2006, Boston MA
PolyBot and PolyKinetic System: A Modular Robotic Platform for Education
A. Golovinskiy, M. Yim, Y. Zhang, C. Eldershaw, D. Duff
An XML-based Scripting Language for Chain-type Modular Robotic Systems
Y. Zhang, A. Golovinskiy, M. Yim, C. Eldershaw
8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, 2004
Coming soon-ish
Update [2016]: I must face the reality that my class projects will not arrive here:) (For ease of searching, I have been known at various times as Alex Golovinsky, Alex Golovinskiy, Aleksey Golovinsky, etc)